Magi Cooper, Hakomi Trainer

Magi Cooper is a Certified Hakomi Trainer and Therapist in private practice. Magi facilitates Respectful Relationships and Relationship Violence Prevention Programs for the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General. Since her first workshop with Jon Eisman in 1992, Magi has been committed to the spiritual principles and practices of Hakomi. Standing firmly in the Hakomi principle of non-violence, she has been an advocate of domestic peace for over 20 years. She brings compassion, mindfulness and loving presence to her work with marginalized populations, as well as a deep understanding of Cedar Barstow’s work around the Right Use of Power. She and her husband Bob Morrissey (also a Hakomi Therapist and Teacher) use their passion for Hakomi as the underpinning of their work with couples.

Magi lives, works and kayaks on Vancouver Island.